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Research by Dr. Muhammad Nabeel Tareefi.
The famous tafseer of Zamakhsari. Also includes ibn al-Munayyar al-Iskandari's al-Intisaf and ibn Hajr al-Asqalani's al-Kaaf al-Shaaf fi Takhreej Ahadith il-Kashaf.
The famous tafseer of Zamakhsari. Research and editing by Dr. Samir Shams.
The famous tafseer of Zamakhsari.Also includes three books in hashiya: 1) Kitab al-Intisaf of Imam Ahmed bin al-Muneer al-Iskandari (to correct the mu'tazilah ideas in the book), 2) Al-Kafi al-Qaf fi Takhrej ahadith al-Kashaf by Ibn Hajr Asqalani, and 3) Mashahidul Insaf ala Shawahid al-Kashaf by Shaikh Muhammad 'Ilyan al-Marzooqi. Research and editing by Abdul Razzaq al-Mahdi.
The famous Tafsir of Abul Qasim Zamakhshari also includes commentary from Kitabul Intisaf of Imam Nasrudeen Malik to correct the Mu'tazilah content of the original work. Most of the Tafseer is in question answer form. Two color printing.