Al-Basheer, USA


For the first time in English, a comprehensive work commenting on al-Nawawi's Forty Hadith. With an Introduction by Prof. Jaafar Sheikh Idris. Al-Nawawi’s Forty Hadith are known to be among the most important sayings of the Prophet Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam. In-depth knowledge of them is thus sure to give the reader even if he or she is a novice, a comprehensive view of the most fundamental Islamic beliefs and principles. No wonder that this book has been for hundreds of years among the most popular of Islamic books in the Muslim world… There are many commentaries on this book from which Br. Zarabozo has definitely benefited; but his is not a mere translation of summary of those commentaries-it is an original commentary the English speaking reader will find more useful and interesting than mere translations of those traditional commentaries.

Here are just a few excerpts from Prof. Jaafar Sheikh Idris's comments to the work. The reader will not be studying explanations of the hadith in a narrow sense; the reader will, in fact, be introduced to many branches of the Islamic sciences: the different sciences of hadith, the science of textual interpretation, the science of jurisprudence, law, and even Arabic language. This is a great commentary on a great book. Brother Jamaal Zarabozo is to be congratulated for producing such a scholarly book. -- Prof. Jaafar Sheikh Idris

Author:Jamaal al-Din M. Zarabozo
Publisher:Al-Basheer, USA
Year of Publication:2008 CE
$60.00 $65.00 You save: $5.00
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