Dr. Tafsir Abbas


This is the PhD thesis on the educational system of Suffa. It explores these questions: 1) What are the salient features of Islamic education system? 2) What were the reasons for the establishment of Suffa? 3) What was the education system at Suffa? 4) What were the curricular and extra-curricular activities at Suffa? 5) What was the method of teaching followed by the Prophet Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam? 6) What was the outcome of Suffa's education? What acheivements in academic and non-academic fields did its graduates demonstrate?

Author:Dr. Tafsir Abbas
Dimensions:14 x 22 cm (5.5 x 8.7 in)
Publisher:Zawiyah Publishers, Lahore
Year of Publication:2014 CE
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