Turath Publishing, London

THE FORTY PRINCIPLES OF THE RELIGION is a comprehensive distillation of Imam al-Ghazali's magnum opus, Ihya Ulum ad-Din (The Revival of the...
Author:Imam Ghazali
Dimensions:15 x 23 cm (5.9 x 9.1 in)
Publisher:Turath Publishing, London
Year of Publication:2016
$23.00 $25.00 You save: $2.00
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One of the most prominent emblems of Islam, the adhan, or call to prayer, is recognised by both Muslims and Non-Muslims the world over. Now, for the first...
Author:Mufti Shabbir Ahmad
Dimensions:15.5 x 23 cm (6.1 x 9.1 in)
Publisher:Turath Publishing, London
Year of Publication:2017
$17.50 $18.00 You save: $0.50
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Translator Yusuf Talal DeLorenzo. A Sufi Study of Hadith (Originally titled Haqiqa al-Tariqa min as-Sunna al-Aniqa) is a unique work of commentary on a selection of over three hundred authentic hadith. Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanawi, one of the subcontinent's greatest spiritual leaders and an author of unequalled prolificacy, translates, interprets, and then comments on each hadith from the perspective of tasawwuf, whether to explain a fine point of theology, or to discourse on morality, etiquette, behaviour, or the customary practices of Sufis. In the pages of this volume, one encounters a side of Islam that is little known and less understood. For all seekers of the truth, and especially those keen to further their understanding of the teachings of the Prophet, Sall-allahu alayhi wa sallam, on tasawwuf-related subjects, Maulana Thanawi's work is truly invaluable

Author:Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi
Publisher:Turath Publishing, London
Year of Publication:1431 AH / 2010 CE
$20.00 $21.00 You save: $1.00
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Bidayat as-sul fi Tafdil ar-Rasul (The Beginning of the Quest for the High Esteem of the Messenger) is a concise work summarising succinctly forty distinctive virtues and characteristics of the Messenger of Allâh (Allah bless him and give him peace)

Translated by Aisha Bewley.

The Author Imam 'Izz ibn 'Abd al-Salam, nicknamed the Sultan of Scholars, produced a number of brilliant works in Shafi'i jurisprudence, Qur’anic exegesis, methodological fundamentals of Sacred Law, formal legal opinion, government, and Sufism, and a masterpiece on Islamic legal principles, Qawa'id al-ahkam fi masalih al-anam [The Bases of Legal Rulings in the Interests of Mankind].

Author:Shaykh Izzudeen Abdul-Aziz bin Abdus-Salam (578-660 AH)
Translator/Editor:Aisha Bewley
Publisher:Turath Publishing, London
Year of Publication:1429 AH / 2008 CE
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In this seminal work, the author suggests that each chapter of the Qur’an contains at least one distinct theme that underlies—and shows the logical connection—between every verse of that chapter. Moreover, he proposes that the chapters themselves take together make up a deliberate and unique portrait of human beings and of the spiritual life. Finally, the author argues that the secrets to the themes are contained and shown in the hadith literature describing the spiritual rewards and effects (fada’il) of various different chapters of the Qur’an.

Author:H.R.H. Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad
Dimensions:15.5 x 23 cm (6.1 x 9.1 in)
Publisher:Turath Publishing, London
Year of Publication:2018
$8.00 $9.00 You save: $1.00
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The world is at a crossroads today. A tiny minority of Muslims seems to be bent on hijacking the religion of Islam and bringing it into perpetual conflict with the rest of the world. Because of their actions, very few non-Muslims understand the real difference between Islam as it has always been, and the distorted perversions of Islam today. This book is an attempt to positively say what Islam actually is—and always was—as well as what it is not.

Author:H.R.H. Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad
Dimensions:15 x 23 cm (5.9 x 9.1 in)
Publisher:Turath Publishing, London
Year of Publication:2017 CE
$18.00 $20.00 You save: $2.00
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Author:Jalaluddin Al-Suyuti
Translator/Editor:Omar Husain
Dimensions:14 x 21.5 cm (5.5 x 8.5 in)
Publisher:Turath Publishing, London
Year of Publication:1438/2017
$8.00 $10.00 You save: $2.00
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Collection Of Forty Hadiths on the Memorable Qualities of the Mothers of the Believers - by Abd ar-Rahman Ibn 'Asakir.(9781906949051)

$6.10 $7.00 You save: $0.90
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The 'A Tentative Guide to Islamic Invocations' is a personal selection of invocations, all of which claim to be from the Prophet Muhammad (Sall Allahu...
Author:H.R.H. Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad
Dimensions:12.5 x 19.8 cm (4.9 x 7.8 in)
Publisher:Turath Publishing, London
Year of Publication:2019
$14.00 $15.00 You save: $1.00
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The well-known collection of ahadith in support of Hanafi fiqh by Muhammad bin Ali al-Neemwi (d. 1322 AH).

ISBN:1906949204 978-1906949204
Dimensions:16 x 24 cm (6.3 x 9.4 in)
Publisher:Turath Publishing, London
Year of Publication:1435 AH / 2014 CE
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Collection Of Forty Hadiths on the Memorable Qualities of the Mothers of the Believers - by Abd ar-Rahman Ibn 'Asakir.(9781906949051)

Author:Mufti Shabbir Ahmed
Dimensions:11 x 16 cm (4.3 x 6.3 in)
Publisher:Turath Publishing, London
Year of Publication:1436/2015
$6.10 $7.00 You save: $0.90
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In this collection, the great eighteenth century Hadith master, Shah Wali Allah, transmits forty hadith that he heard directly from his teacher, Sheikh Abu Tahir al-Madani, with an uninterrupted chain of transmission through Imam al-Husayn (may Allah be pleased with him).

About the author

Shah Wali allah was born in northern India in 1703 in a learned family descended from the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him). as a young man, he studied the major hadith collections with his father, and then traveled to the Hijaz where he continued his studies with various eminent teachers, including Shaykh Abu Tahir al-Kurdi al-Madani through whom he transmits the hadiths in this collection. Shah Wali Allah composed some fifty works in total, including the Hujjat Allah al-Baligha (The Conclusive Argument from God), which is considered his prime achievement, and an early Persian translation of the Qur’an, as well as a number of works treating Islamic legal methodologies and Sufi metaphysics.

Translated by Safaruk Zaman Chowdhury

Commentary by Shaykh Nemat Ullah A'zami and Marcia Hermanson

Author:Shah Waliullah
Translator/Editor:Zaman Chowdhury
Dimensions:11 x 15.5 cm (4.3 x 6.1 in)
Publisher:Turath Publishing, London
Year of Publication:1429 AH / 2008 CE
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