Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur


The first work of its kind in English. An indepth study of the classification of knowledge in Islam according to Al-Farabi, Al-Ghazzali, and Al-Shirazi.

Author:Prof. Osman Bakar
Publisher:Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur
Year of Publication:2019
$22.00 $28.00 You save: $6.00
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"Hajj is one of the pillars and foundations of Islam, the act of worship of a lifetime, the seal of all that is commanded, the perfection of Islam and the completion of religion. Such a worship deserves that much attention to be devoted to explaining itand to detailing its essential elements, its properties, its merits, and its mysteries. This little book is translated from Kitab Asrar al-Hajj, the seventh chapter of the celebrated 12th-century work, Ihya Ulum al-Din. Al-Ghazali invites readers to dwell on the subject of the hajj beyond its mechanics and rituals, and to pay attention to its true substance, purpose and philosophy." Translated by Ibrahim Umar.

Author:Imam Ghazali
Publisher:Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur
$7.00 $7.50 You save: $0.50
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Completely revised edition of Fazlul Karim's translation.

Author:Imam Ghazali
Dimensions:15 x 23 cm (5.9 x 9.1 in)
Publisher:Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur
Year of Publication:2015 CE
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Shaikh ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani is arguably the greatest figure in the history of Sufism. His teachings have attracted millions to Islam and helped countless Muslims understand the spiritual journey that this great religion represents.

The current work consists of fifteen short letters in which the Shaikh describes spiritual experiences and knowledge that are attained through striving against one’s base desires and committed devotion to Allah. They are written in a highly mystical language, using a peculiar style whereby each sentence or group of sentences is followed by a related Qur’anic text. In effect, the letters represent a Sufi experiential interpretation of the quoted Qur’anic verses. While small in size, this exceptionally charming and poetically beautiful work is immensely profound.

Author:Louay Fatoohi
Publisher:Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur
Year of Publication:2013 CE
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translated by Margaret Smith This short treatise gives a summary of Imam al-Ghazali's religious philosophy. In it, he discusses knowledge and its various types, the human soul and its relation to the human body. Drawing evidences from the Qur'an, he shows that the humans spirit is one with the Divine and is able to contemplate the Invisible, receive the Divine Radiance and attain perfection and supernatural qualities even in this world. Translated by Margaret Smith.

Author:Imam Ghazali
Publisher:Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur
Year of Publication:2010 CE
$7.00 $10.00 You save: $3.00
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The holy scriptures of the three Abrahamic religions share some of the main aspects of historical events which happened after Prophet Abraham. One topic which reveals many such shared aspects is the story of Moses who rose up against the despotic Pharaoh. The events during the period are important to the Muslims, Jews and Christians, and in many cases form the basis of the history and rituals of the three religions. This work is a comparative study of the Biblical and Qur'anic narrations of the story of Moses and Pharaoh. In doing so, Dr Maurice Bucaille, author of the bestselling 1976 treatise, The Bible, The Qur'an and Science, carefully avoids theoretical and speculative views in an attempt to cope only with facts.

Author:Maurice Bucaille
Publisher:Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur
$11.00 $12.00 You save: $1.00
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The Message of the Qur’an is widely recognised as among the best English translations and commentaries of the Qur’an and comparable to the...
Author:Muhammad Asad
Language:Arabic - English
Dimensions:18.5 x 24 cm (7.3 x 9.4 in)
Publisher:Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur
Year of Publication:2013
$40.00 $45.00 You save: $5.00
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This book presents a thematic treatment of Islamic civilisation. Each of the fourteen chapters comprising this book treats at least one of the major themes that are characteristic of this youngest religiously-based civilisation of the world. The author’s thematic approach is primarily meant to promote a better appreciation of the living nature of Islamic civilisation. The book’s content provides ample evidence that Islamic civilisation is not merely a passing historical phenomenon. The various themes it discusses clearly demonstrate the continuing relevance of Islamic civilisation to the present and future humanity.

Author:Osman Bakar
Publisher:Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur
Year of Publication:2018
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The collections of Ahadith (sayings of the Prophet {SAWS}) are a very unique aspect of Islam both inasmuch as their content as well as their modes of preservation and transmission are concerned. They have also been a favorite target of orientalists who have attempted to challenge their authenticity, claiming that they were transmitted orally (and transcribed much later) and therefore subject to misreporting and alterations. Dr. Hamidullah discovered very early collections of hadiths preserved in libraries in Turkey, France and Germany, which clearly refute such a charge. The earliest of these is the Sahifah of Hammam ibn Munabbih, a disciple of the noble Companion Abu Hurayra, Radi-Allahu anhu. Dr. Hamidullah checked the ahadith of this compilation against the those of Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim, and Imam Ahmad and found that not one of them had changed despite the span of centuries between the Sahifah and the later compilations. This Sahifah is presented in this book in the original Arabic as well as English translation, along with a very beneficial introduction on the compilation of and preservation of Hadith during the time of the Prophet {SAWS} and the Companions.

Author:Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah
Dimensions:14.5 x 21.5 cm (5.7 x 8.5 in)
Publisher:Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur
Year of Publication:2003 CE
$18.00 $20.00 You save: $2.00
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"14th-century Arab historian Ibn Khaldun founded a special science to deal with the problem of history and culture based on the philosophies of Plato, Aristotle and their Muslim followers. This work examines the philosophic foundation and principles of Ibn Khaldun's new science of culture, to show that an adequate understanding of his contribution to the study of the various aspects of human society requires an understanding of his all-comprehensive approach to sociology."

Author:Muhsin Mahdi
Dimensions:15 x 22 cm (5.9 x 8.7 in)
Publisher:Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur
Year of Publication:2010 CE
$21.00 $22.00 You save: $1.00
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Author:Mustansir Mir
Dimensions:14.5 x 22 cm (5.7 x 8.7 in)
Publisher:Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur
Year of Publication:2011
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The famous was receiving many questions from its viewers from around the world in their forum. Many of which were psycho-spiritual in nature, making the need for a Muslim psychologist inevitable. When Malik Badri was approached by to initiate a cyber-counseling program, he readily obliged. The novel and humble collaboration of Malik Badri and in answering these questions has materialized in a book. The selection of questions and solutions prescribed here are varied, from marital disharmony and dysfunctional families to anxiety disorders, parapsychology issues, drug addiction and the influence of the mind over body. It is hoped that some of the solutions provided here, based on Islamically modeled therapy, will continue to help others with similar problems in this changing world of globalization.

Author:Malik Badri
Dimensions:14.5 x 21.5 cm (5.7 x 8.5 in)
Publisher:Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur
Year of Publication:2015
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